Play Therapy
Play therapy is a form of therapy, most suited for children aged 3-10 years, this approach allows children to safely explore and express their emotions, in a way that is non-threatening and developmentally appropriate.
Adults tend to communicate and make sense of their experiences through verbal communication, often referred to as ‘talk therapy’, a child’s brain however is still developing, therefore their capacity to makes sense of and cope with abstract thoughts, feelings and responsibilities, in the same way is limited.
Children do however have an innate ability to engage in and learn through PLAY, this can be observed from the very early years; in babies, when they start to copy smiles and facial expressions, toddlers when engaging in repetitive play (repeatedly dropping a spoon or toy from the highchair), young children playing games such as peek a boo, hide and seek and engaging in imaginary play.
Play therapy sessions can help children to make sense of their experiences, reduce anxiety and stress and increase their sense of mastery, self efficacy, self-esteem, resilience and coping skills.
Initial consultation with parent(s)/caregiver (60-90 minutes)
Individual play therapy sessions with child or young person (45 minutes*), the first four sessions to be held weekly.
* please note the session time frame may be reduced for younger children