Separation and Divorce...

Family separation and divorce can be an extremely complex and challenging time for everyone involved.  Research shows that children can intrinsically feel that their parents separation or divorce is in someway their fault, it is therefore important that children are reassured that they are loved and the the family's changing dynamic is not their fault.

Following is a list of books and resources, that might be useful in helping to support your child, when navigating through this challenging time.

Recommended for children 3-7 years

Living with Mum and Living with Dad - by Melanie Walsh (2012) - a colourful picture book, with interactive lift pages which are ideal for younger children

Two Homes- by Claire Masurel (2003) - a simple book that looks at the positive aspects of having two homes.

Recommended for children 5-8 years

Mum and Dad Glue- by Kes Gray (2009) - written from the child's perspective, acknowledges child's feelings through family change, with a future focus.

The Invisible String - by Patrica Karst (2000) - helpful book to support separation anxiety

Recommended for children 4-11 years

Kids & Divorce App (2015). FREE App, available to download - an fun, interactive parent guided app, that discusses stages and transition of family change.

Just the Way We Are - by Jessica Shirvington (2015)- celebrates the diversity of family structures. 

Recommended for children 8-12years

When my Parents Forgot How to Be Friends - by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos (2005) - helps to acknowledge some of the feelings/concerns experienced during transition.

TIP: it is recommended that parents read through all resources, prior to reading them to your child, to ensure the book is both age and context appropriate .



